Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hello and Welcome!

Yes, yes, another atheist blog.

I'm a sociologist at heart, so I do find the recent upswing in visibility of atheists interesting. I'm curious to see what direction it will take, and I find it troubling that I don't have the perspective I would like to have on the subject.

The reason I don't think my perspective is necessarily very good is that the fifteen years of my atheism include my own adolescence. At the beginning, as a twelve-year-old regular attendee of a Methodist church, I thought it was possible that I was the only one who thought that God didn't exist. I don't know what I could have told you about the state of atheism then; I thought I was alone.

I think this blog will end up reflecting the study of various subjects generally associated with atheism and other fields I find interesting: atheism as a movement, its demographics, public image, the historicity of Jesus, religious and irreligious mindsets, possibly some evolutionary biology, and the popularity of certain logical fallacies and straw men.

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